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Secure Direct Transfer Mode (SDTM)

FinCEN provides the ability for filers to submit batch data directly to FinCEN over a secure connection such as FTP, SFTP, VPN tunnel, or over the internet via Sterling Filer Gateway (SFG) software. This method of filing is referred to as Secure Data Transfer Mode (SDTM).

SDTM allows for a secure, system-to-system mechanism for transferring batch submissions from your organization's internal server to the BSA E-Filing server. The batch submission process can be automated such that user intervention/involvement is minimized. There is no interaction with the BSA E-Filing system web site for the upload of the batch file; however, filers may use the site to track the status of their submissions.

IMPORTANT: FinCEN has upgraded it's Secure Direct Transfer Mode (SDTM) servers from IBM's Connect:Direct product to the new replacement product from IBM called Sterling File Gateway. The Sterling File Gateway product provides connectivity to current Connect:Direct users as well as Connect Enterprise users. This solution also provides Transport Layer Security at v1.2 and also a new connectivity option of SFTP over a non-standard port (10122). Please click here for additional information.

For more information on how to setup an SDTM connection, please refer to the SDTM Requirements documentation or click here to contact the BSA E-Filing Help Desk for additional information.